Jaw Air / Hydraulic / Pneumatic Brake Units (AFJ)


Carlyle Johnson's Jaw Air / Hydraulic / Pneumatic Brake units are designed to optimize space in your application. They are ideally-suited for positioning and holding, as well as indexing, and are often used in applications that require a positive registration between an input shaft and output shaft to be maintained.

With fast disengagement, even after extended periods of engagement, this air / hydraulic / pneumatic brake does not transmit torque when disengaged, offering a drag-free neutral.

Carlyle Johnson's standard AFJ model pneumatic brake can be modified to meet your needs.

Our engineering staff can also custom design, develop and produce a new pneumatic brake unit to meet your specific requirements. For over 100 years CJM has met even the toughest challenges for unique power transmission products.

Features of Jaw Pneumatic Brakes

CJM's jaw air / hydraulic / pneumatic brake units operate bi-directionally in both wet and dry applications. Our standard brake components are available in a wide variety of tooth configurations, suitable to most indexing needs.

With a variety of features available, Carlyle Johnson's jaw pneumatic brake products are available to meet an array of customers' applications. Units with spring-set and pneumatic-release can be requested, and single- or multiple-position registration can be utilized for functions that require specific timing. In additional, pneumatic brake units with continuous rotor connections can be requested.


  • Efficiently utilize available space
  • Excellent positioning & holding
  • Ideal for indexing
  • Positive registration maintained between input and output shaft


  • Torque range 5 lb. ft. - 5,000 lb. ft.
  • Prolonged engagement & momentary disengagement
  • Drag-free neutral - no torque transmitted in the disengaged mode
  • Bi-directional operation
  • Full range of tooth configurations for your varied indexing needs
  • Operates in wet or dry applications




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