Multiple Disc Air / Pneumatic Brakes (AHA)

Carlyle Johnson's AHA model multiple disc spring set air / hydraulic / pneumatic brakes deliver more than ten times the torque of single disc pneumatic brakes of the same actuation and package size.
Featuring our patented floating disc principle, separator springs are utilized between brake discs, assuring fast disengagement with minimal drag, and minimal resultant heat when in neutral. Hardened steel inner friction discs are splined to the body for proper lug-load distribution. These discs operate against bronze-faced steel outer discs, providing long wear and smooth operation.
Our engineering department is available to assist you with your multiple disc air / hydraulic brake component. CJM can modify our standard AHA model pneumatic brakes to meet your needs, or custom design and manufacture a multiple disc brake to your exact specifications and operating requirements.
Specifications / Dimensions
Model | Static Torque* (ft. lbs.) | Dynamic Torque* (ft. lbs.) | B10 Bearing Life**(hours) | A | B | Std. Bore |
AHA-0015999 | 30 | 15 | 10,000 | 3.500 | 3.34375 | 3/4 or 7/8 |
AHA-0025999 | 70 | 35 | 5,600 | 4.000 | 3.6250 | 1 or 1 1/8 |
AHA-0050999 | 100 | 50 | 5,600 | 4.500 | 3.9375 | 1 1/4 or 1 3/8 |
AHA-0100999 | 150 | 75 | 12,000 | 4.875 | 4.21875 | 1 1/2 or 1 5/8 |
AHA-0200999 | 250 | 125 | 5,600 | 5.750 | 4.6250 | 1 3/4 or 1 7/8 |
AHA-0400999 | 600 | 300 | 8,000 | 7.000 | 5.53125 | 2 or 2 1/4 |
AHA-0800999 | 1,200+ | 600+ | 8,000+ | 9.500 | 6.37500 | 2 3/4 or 3 |
Model | Keyway | C | D | G | NPT |
AHA-0015999 | 3/16 x 3/32 | 3.5000 | .62500 | .9375 | .12500 |
AHA-0025999 | 3/16 x 3/32 | 4.1875 | .68750 | .06250 | .12500 |
AHA-0050999 | 1/4 x 1/8 | 4.6875 | .68750 | .06250 | .12500 |
AHA-0100999 | 5/16 x 5/32 | 5.1875 | .87500 | .18750 | .12500 |
AHA-0200999 | 3/8 x 3/16 | 6.7500 | .81250 | .18750 | .25000 |
AHA-0400999 | 7/16 x 7/32 | 8.500 | 1.09375 | .12500 | .25000 |
AHA-0800999 | 9/16 x 7/32 | 10.0000 | 1.18750 | .18750 | .25000 |
Internal Flange |
Part # | Used With* | A | B.C. B |
Screw Size | Holes | Pilot Dia. C |
D | E | F | Slots |
EMA-00325 106-300 | AHA-0015999 | 3.562 - 3.560 | 2.567 - 2.557 | 1/4 | 3 | 1.877 - 1.875 | 3.5000 | 1.0625 | .1875 | 8 |
AHA-0025 106-300 | AHA-0025999 | 4.250 - 4.248 | 3.067 - 3.057 | 1/4 | 3 | 2.377 - 2.375 | 4.1875 | 1.2500 | .1875 | 8 |
EMA-0425 106-300 | AHA-0050999 | 4.750 - 4.748 | 3.630 - 3.620 | 1/4 | 3 | 2.517 - 2.515 | 4.6875 | 1.2500 | .1875 | 8 |
EMA-0475 106-300 | AHA-0100999 | 5.250 - 5.248 | 3.942 - 3.932 | 5/16 | 3 | 2.517 - 2.515 | 5.1875 | 1.3750 | .2500 | 8 |
EMA-0625 106-300 | AHA-0200999 | 6.812 - 6.810 | 5.317 - 5.307 | 3/8 | 4 | 3.767 - 3.765 | 6.7500 | 1.6562 | .3125 | 8 |
AHA-0400 106-300 | AHA-0400999 | 8.562 - 8.560 | 6.255 - 6.245 | 1/2 | 4 | 4.877 - 4.875 | 8.5000 | 1.9375 | .3125 | 12 |
AHA-0800 106-300 | AHA-0800999 | 10.062 - 10.060 | 8.067 - 8.057 | 3/8 | 6 | 5.517 - 5.515 | 10.0000 | 2.0625 | .3125 | 12 |
*"Used with" refers to brake number.
External Flange | ||||||||||
Part # | Used With* | A | B.C. B |
Screw Size | Holes | Pilot Dia. C |
D | E | F | Slots |
EMA-00325 106-200 | AHA-0015999 | 4.625 - 4.623 | 4.130 - 4.120 | 1/4 | 3 | 3.300 - 3.298 | 3.5000 | 1.0625 | .2500 | 8 |
AHA-0025 106-200 | AHA-0025999 | 5.625 - 5.623 | 4.880 - 4.870 | 1/4 | 3 | 3.814 - 3.812 | 4.1875 | 1.1875 | .2500 | 8 |
EMA-0425 106-200 | AHA-0050999 | 6.125 - 6.123 | 5.380 - 5.370 | 1/4 | 4 | 4.314 - 4.312 | 4.6875 | 1.2500 | .2500 | 8 |
EMA-0475 106-200 | AHA-0100999 | 6.875 - 6.873 | 6.005 - 5.995 | 5/16 | 4 | 4.814 - 4.812 | 5.1875 | 1.3750 | .2500 | 8 |
EMA-0625 106-200 | AHA-0200999 | 8.500 - 8.498 | 7.692 - 7.682 | 3/8 | 4 | 6.377 - 6.375 | 6.7500 | 1.6562 | .3125 | 8 |
AHA-0400 106-200 | AHA-0400999 | 10.625 - 10.623 | 9.630 - 9.620 | 1/2 | 4 | 8.095 - 8.093 | 8.5000 | 1.9375 | .3125 | 12 |
AHA-0800 106-200 | AHA-0800999 | 12.250 - 12.248 | 11.130 - 11.120 | 3/8 | 6 | 9.533 - 9.531 | 10.0000 | 2.0625 | .3125 | 12 |
In addition to our standard Multiple Disc Air / Pneumatic Brakes (AHA, our engineering department can custom design and manufacture a new component to meet your specific requirements. If you have further questions or would like to discuss your specific needs, please contact us.
Images & Drawings

Features of AHA Pneumatic Brakes
CJM's multiple disc air / hydraulic pneumatic brakes are produced with a minimum of moving parts, which allows for quick and simple installation. A stationary cylinder assembly is mounted on deep-groove ball bearings to accommodate thrust loads, with quad-ring seals that assure maximum performance without leaking air or hydraulic fluid. Ample-sized ports and passages also provide fast piston action.
AHA model pneumatic brakes can be operated either dry or in oil. For wet applications (including oil mist, spray, splash or bath) the brake should be ordered without bearing shields. For dry applications AHA models are typically furnished with permanently lubricated ball bearings.
- Highest torque in the smallest space
- Long life floating discs for low heat and extremely low neutral drag
- No special tools required for repair or installation of component
- Self-adjusting for wear
- Torque range 30 lb. ft.- 1,200 lb. ft.
- Wet or dry application
- Automatic wear compensation
- Stationary cylinder assembly
- No levers, cams, or highly stressed parts
- Custom designs and alterations available

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